some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

333? is that some sort of lazy armegeddon?

May 10, 2005
Friends are coming to visit on Friday, through Sunday, and I am every excited. We are going to eat carbohydrates and gossip (about you, presumably � feel nervous). I have to pick one friend up from the airport and my sister is letting me borrow her newer (read: reliable) car so the trip is safer. This means I can use my iPod in the car since FM Transmitters do not work in the Northeast and you need a tape player. This conversely means that I need to make a special (ed) play list for said occasion. Any suggestions?

Also, this weekend being my �Weekend of Leisure� before the melee that is the end of the school year is where we transition from argyle sweaters to striped Polo shirts for the summer (because this is Connecticut and we play Polo). Tomorrow I have to go to the Mall and collect some new Polo shirts for this summer, as I am considerably less corpulent and need clothes that do not look like I am wearing my Dad�s clothes. Although, the Major�s clothing is too small (and too formal) for me. I only hope my sister has tomorrow off because without her help, as a color blind single straight man, I will look like a complete idiot.

Sunday while getting another unremarkable haircut, I had the opportunity to listen in on some father talk to his son about sex. Yes, they had this intimate and delicate discussion at the barbershop. No, they did not moderate their voices so people did not hear them but kept them at �everyone gets to be in on my cell phone conversation� tone � despite being less than a foot apart.

Part of me is elated, as a teacher, that a parent felt that comfortable with their child and the child with the parent but the other part of me would have preferred a less public setting. It is a good thing the father put aside his considerable discomfort to talk to his son about insuring his health and safety, but I would have preferred it a little further away from a mealtime.

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