some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

teacher appreciation

May 04, 2005
This entry is not a parody of Suburban Island, Spritopias is wholly owned independently operated subsidiary of Suburban Island. Without Suburban Island we would have no knowledge of the Internet, web logging, or the inability of Britons to order sandwiches.

Question: Is this teacher appreciation week?
What I Learned: If you expect to be thanked, expect to be disappointed.

Apparently, from the people wishing me a Happy Teacher�s Day or a Happy Teacher�s Appreciation Week, that it is another workplace related holiday that will be overlooked where I am employed. Honestly, as horrible as we are treated here I would be insulted if we had some sort of recognition. I am not a fan of being thanked or appreciated for the sake of appearance when in actuality we are not appreciated.

I did get a free song from Pepsi while we were on a walk today, paying attention to our five senses. I saw a Pepsi bottle on the ground, and to the disgust of my students, I picked it up and there was a free song. I hope that I win an iPod from this bottle top or from the one that Cosmic Crayola � my hero of the minute � sent me.

The other day I printed out of on my articles from Diary Land that was written about my second job to show my Assistant Manager, because I think I am clever and I asked her to throw it out when she was done reading it. She passed it around.

Question Christopias, isn�t the cardinal rule about work related web logging to make sure that your work does not find about it?
What I learned: There is a reason Candace of Jurchen called me �shit for brains�

When I went to work the next time after having revealed my diary, stupidly, my friend Diane (the aforementioned stern Polish Woman) said, �So, I pretend to not understand the English?� Sarah said, �Black smoke means my mother has been cooking again?� We are forever making fun of her ugly, overweight mother but in all honesty, no one even cares what that promiscuous floozy thinks.

Thankfully, they all took it in good humor.

Question: Where is the light switch?
What I learned: I will just the ladies� room.

The mirror in the girl�s room on my floor of the building makes you look fat. I could not find the light switch for the boy�s room last night when I was back at school around eleven working. So, anyway, it morphs your body into a chunky one � which will do wonders for our girls. Yes, you are fatter this afternoon than you were this morning.

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