some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

you really stuck that landing

January 06, 2005
Question:What kind of monster shoves a banana peel in a mail box?
What I learned:I use mine to wrap fish

Already I am back from work. It is icy out so no one can get TO my job to need it, so I went home early. As far as today at home has gone by, a great deal is done. I like to look at the to-do list and see more things crossed of having been done than marked out to do another day or not at all.

Yesterday the Music Teacher � who is responsible for the music in Chapel � scoots into Chapel five to ten minutes late, with us sitting with our students in the pews. By this point, she is over an hour late for school. She announces that she is late, not because of weather or traffic, but that she is late because she was playing on the Internet. She was playing on the internet and said that was why she was late for work with a, �I�m a cute girl� sorry/giggle. I would have been forgiving if she were rocking Spritopias on the internet at home, because this is always the perfect alternative to what you are supposed to be doing.

However, if you are going to be late for work because you were online or doing something else it is not a good idea to announce I was stroking my weasel, just say, �Sorry, everyone! I was running late!� Everyone has been late, everyone will understand, and no one will ask questions. Teachers are busy people and none of us want to be questioned later in the year when we are late. This works for anyone, in any job.

The above link is not about masturbation, its about teaching.

The day before one of my colleagues asked the administration, �are you really going to replace her?� in a plea to help the woman keep her job (which she is not aware that she is loosing) to, �when are you going to replace her?� I hate to see someone lose their job but not as much as I hate to deal with an incompetent coworker. Teaching is not easy, we need to work together for everything to run well. I hope her replacement is not as unprofessional as she is.

has anyone seen my keys?

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