some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

a short comment on Jay Leno

January 07, 2005
The man who does President George W. Bush on Jay Leno is excellent. Although, I do not think we should mock a President of the United States at least this President can be mocked for poor public speaking skills and not a tragic personal life. President Clinton�s personal life was appalling, tragic and ultimately none of our business but since it was brought to light I think we as media consumers should have railed against how he was treated, it devalued the Presidency as an institution as well as Monica Lewinsky as a human being and was grossly unfair to Senator Clinton and her daughter. Say what you want about their marriage, ultimately it is conjecture, but even if Senator Clinton was using her husband for personal gain it still hurts to be made a fool of in public and to have your spouse reject you because he can. Personally, an affair that had to do with loving the person would be less difficult to deal with than an affair that was going on out of pure animal lust and the inability to control oneself. I also think it was unfair to say that Kristy Alley had doubled in size during the Bush Administration; she has tripled at the least. That having been said, the President George W. Bush on Jay Leno is excellent.

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