some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

frosty the snow man

December 04, 2004
My best friend J is ten pounds of genius in a five-pound bag; I know that it is Kipp�s line that she used on me but he really has all the ideas.

My students take DARE lessons on Monday mornings and this Monday the officer who teaches them was telling about things that kids do that he thinks are wrong, and stupid. Like dropping pumpkins off overpasses (which I never did on a busy road, a rural one because we wanted to see what would happen to the pumpkin) and our personal favorite: building a snow man and putting him in the road.

He went on and on about how stupid it was. I thought while he was saying all of this: those were the days; I would do that again if Jeremy had not grown up and gotten a responsible job (we would do it if we lived in the same place); That was funny; I should not be laughing.

I hid under my desk like I was tying my shoes, but �my son� sits by my desk and was craning his neck to see what I was doing, while the DARE Officer was staring at �my son� trying to figure out what his problem was.

J and I lived on a dead end street � and everyone drove on our unplowed street at ten miles an hour in the snow. We did not do it to hurt anyone and no one ever was. It was funny to watch the SUV driving yahoos at the end of our street, get out and angrily kick down our snowmen and curse us, wherever we were. Sports car drivers were the best, they�d jump out of the car and move our snow men and say things like, �Good job boys! You got me!�

No one knew we did it, no one accused us doing it � which was odd because if anything happened we were blamed if we did not do it and ratted out by my sister if we had. This was one of our best pranks because no one knew who had exacted the urban terrorism.

Last night on the phone J agreed that if we were in the same place, at the same time as snow we would do it again.

I can still see that jerk kicking over my snowman and cursing. Ha ha ha.

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