some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

in two months

March 13, 2005
Today we had our bake sale to raise funds for our big field trip in April. We made over half the money we need to go on the trip and have raised twenty-five dollars on other fundraisers. Oddly enough, only one student baked anything to bring or helped, so he will go on the field trip for free and the other children will enjoy a remarkably reduced fair. We did this well because old people gave me twenty and twenty-five dollars for brownies and really disgusting banana bread. I forgot to put sugar in the bread, I hope they do not notice or say anything.

The bake sale was three hours long because of the different activities shuffling through the church and school on Sunday mornings but we had three busy times and then a lot of me standing around. I was not impressed.

Tomorrow I start the gym again in an attempt (albeit lame) to feel better again. I have not been since my sister moved in because of the changes around here disrupting my schedule but I have decided to return to my regularly scheduled Spritopias and everything can arrange itself around me.

I have to go to work now but I hope to catch up on my reading when I return. It is exactly two months until the Tour De Diarist begins.

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