some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

how many carbs does a human baby have?

March 03, 2005
We have been having the worst time setting up our DSL and then the wireless network here in the apartment.

The problem was that I set a password on the wireless network when I lived alone, saved it on my devices, and promptly forgot the password. When my sister moved in, we moved up to DSL so that the network could sustain two laptops on the internet at one time because: neither of us can share, play well with others, or cooperate. All those hours plugged into Sesame Street was a complete waste on the two of us.

I decided to restart the wireless network and rebuild it from nothing because while I do not want someone hacking into my network or using my internet for free I doubt that someone in this neighborhood has a computer much less a sophisticated Macintosh capable of getting a piggy-back on my network and if there is, then good for them and welcome aboard.

Additionally, in response to the advent of sharing my living space I decided to be more laid back. The apartment was clean when my sister arrived but I have not been vigilant this week and in a surprise to both of us, my sister allowed President and First Lady Bush into the apartment to inspect what had become a Federal Disaster Area. I think my sister was initially confused as to who it was that were at the door because she has a standing policy not to let Republicans or missionaries into the apartment. I am both so it makes life hell on me sometimes because I have to crawl in through the vent.

I am going to our God Parent�s house on Friday and my birthday is Saturday. I hope the monsters that live in filth do not eat my sister/roommate while I am gone.

This wireless is such an improvement on two hours ago when one of us would yell to the other one and ignore them to instant messaging the other and ignoring it.

My new entertainment is leaving irrelevant buzz words on people�s buzz nets.

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