some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

in which everything makes sense

February 20, 2005
I have a headache that stretches from lobe to lobe of my brain. Usually, my headaches only hurt part of my brain but today they are displaying inter-lobe cooperation. I am very proud because my lobes are not cooperative most of the time.

Two parts of the brain that never have it together is the part that moves the mouth and the part that thinks. My explanation for this is physical, not mental. The weight (no matter how slight) of the male genitalia creates a drag on the muscles used by the mouth to zip itself shut, creating the problem that once we open our mouths we cannot stop before we are slapped or the brain has to go to Plan A.

Plan A has two parts. First, you put your foot into your mouth to prevent further damage and if that does not work you end up putting both feet in there to stop up the mouth area and prevent it from doing any more damage. Usually the taste of our feet, which we are too lazy to bend over and wash, will cause the mouth to stop moving long enough for your feet to be expelled and the taste washed out.

Sometimes when this does not work men are forced to go to Plan B. B is for booty and that�s where they are forced to cram their heads, feet in mouth, to prevent disasters from spilling out of their mouths and it usually only gets to this point occasionally. It is very rare that either plan is employed and it takes a special, special man to have both feet in his mouth and his head up his butt.

However, many men once reaching this state are unable to ever live without both feet in their mouth and their heads up their booties and spend their natural lives having learned to speak out of their butts. Most of these men are politicians; we have called many of them, �Mr. President,� or, �Secretary-General.�

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