some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

Princess Leia Earmuffs

February 12, 2005
I am watching The Goonies, the most fantastic movie ever. Dad took us to see the movie when he was in college � and that is how young we all are. I think I was in second grade and it was rare that we went out to the movies. My parents stuck to educational activities with us when we were younger and in general, Dad stuck to homework. Actually, I have no idea what Dad was doing at the time since he was also in the Army and I was in second grade. We went to see this movie and I think it is fantastic. His friend from school who was also in the Army was taking his sons to the movie so we were going as well.

I remember that those boys had t-shirts from the movie already and made fun of me for not having one like they did, I made fun of them (in my mind, as I was outnumbered) for having shirts for a movie they had not seen and had no idea if it was any good or not. I thought Gremlins was a terrible movie and I had been taken to see that by Bubbe and found it to be a terrible film but was also saddled with paraphernalia to include toys I was terrified of and clothing I never wore. Had you slapped a Star Wars Character on it, no matter how obscure, I would have worn it. I had a t-shirt with Admiral Ackbar on it � that clearly displayed the ignorance of the adult who purchased it � that I wore religiously everyday after laundry day because his head looked like a pretzel. Strangely enough, his action figure had the texture but not taste of a goldfish pretzel and to this day, I will not eat Calamari. I also had a Han Solo vest that I was not allowed out of the house in because it crossed some line that my sister�s �Princess Leia earmuffs� did not.

I will admit this, I now get why everyone in the theatre laughed about how the statue was glued while I did not. I, at seven, had no idea what was going on.
I love this movie: it includes triumph over adversity, classic stereotypes of the eighties, and Chunk. I am going to watch it again.

As for my two previous entries, I am sorry if I offended you but that attitude is something that I encounter a great deal and it boils my blood. Benjamin Franklin wanted this to be a land of tolerance and acceptance, not a place where we were unwilling to look �beyond your front door.� (BNK, not Ben Franklin)

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