some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

slept in, running hard

February 12, 2005
I slept in today. Right now, I am eating breakfast on my way out the door. I am really upset by this � I had a million things to do this morning before going to work � actually 73 things were still on my to-do list from yesterday. I should post that but I did not type it so I would waste more time telling you what I was waiting to accomplish.

As for my previous entry, that is my opinion (that I am entitled to, thanks) as an immigrant and as a teacher. For those who think they should just learn, it is hard and their attitude betrays that they are discouraged not unwilling or unable. No one wants to be thought of as stupid. They are children, and probably did not make the choice to move here.

I also find it astounding that the same people can decry our �Irish Need Not Apply� heritage and at the same time have such a bigoted attitude about people who might need help acclimating to this country. Your own ancestors did not just �fit in.� I know when I moved here it took me a while to acclimate and English IS my first language and my parents are Americans, moving to another culture and country is not as simple as our tiny American minds think it is.

As for money spent, as a(n initial) supporter of the war and reconstruction in Iraq, if we can do it for the Iraqis, we can do it for New Yorkers, Californians, Texans, etc.

11:41 AM :: 4 comments so far ::
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