some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

exceptionally tame school day

January 14, 2005

Ninety per cent of the time, my picture is next to definition of professionalism, however successful classroom management hinges on one thing: the children must know you are crazy. There can never be any doubt in their minds that you hare slightly unhinged and capable of anything. Once a day you must remind them.

My class has a pet koala, named Winkler. My friend Emily purchased the koala for us and named him after someone she knows in a mental institution where she used to teach. Winkler is not alive, however we never let on to the fact that he has �Build-a-Bear Workshops� sewn to his bottom for a reason.

All of Winkler�s outfits resemble one of mine, with the exception of his Yankees uniform, which he wears during baseball season because he is a Yankees fan. No one has thought to get me a Yankees uniform in quite some time. I had a Cooperstown jersey but my mother�s parents washed it with bleach causing all the blue to become purple creating a beautiful and unique jersey for my sister to wear.

Have a stuffed animal that dresses to resemble you should be a clear enough warning to any child that the owner of said stuffed marsupial is not right. My children are far too trusting.

Today one of the children had Winkler sitting on their desk as they worked, this is apparently a great honor for Winkler to want to sit on your desk and watch you work. Winkler otherwise watches them all from his Condo.

One of the boys who had Winkler on his desk put his Boston Red Sox hat on Winkler, which made Winkler very upset. I told the student that as health issue and as a matter of basic human or Marsupial pride, Winkler should not wear the Boston hat. I announced at that time, �You are making me angry, and when I get angry, Winkler gets upset and when Winkler gets upset, people die.� No one got the reference, but they should not have anyway.

This was an exceptionally tame school day, something I am very thankful for.

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