some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

4th Connecticut Appreciation Tour

December 19, 2004
I am on the Fourth Connecticut Appreciation Tour. This one is, so far, the best ever.

Driving across Ohio is always the worst part of the drive. I have a friend in Pennsylvania � whoever it was that put a Starbucks at every stop. I am glad to see corporate America stretching from sea to shining sea. That was Kipp�s planning and may God Bless her for it! God Bless Kipp!

In Ohio, I was told that only �Gay Homosexual Fags� was their hands after peeing. I was very confused by this interaction because I thought it was a cleanliness thing, not sexual.

I also endured my Church�s Christmas Pageant where I learned that while we do not know where the Magi came from we do know they stopped at Burger King on their way and good for them. Also, the angels got in a brawl with the sheep during one part of the program proving that little children, while cute, are dangerous. Someone being small does not make them easy to control.

Someone reading this will push me over 100,000 and thank you for that. I appreciate the attention.

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