some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

I eat the tiny bananas for a sense of accomplishment

December 02, 2004
Today at recess one of the boys said to another, �you throw like a girl!� From where I sat I said, �That�s a compliment since Margo is the best athlete in our year.�

Yesterday we had our weekly Advent Service at church. Before this church service, a meal is put on by one of the organizations in the church. Lucky for this church there are only four weeks in Advent because there are so few organizations to host meals.

I am not a huge fan of the people I worship with, I am not a member of this congregation and I do not intend to become one. I do intend to find a church where I feel welcome or at least tolerated.

I did start to go into the meal, I opened the door, and I heard that I was the topic of conversation.

Now, you have to realize that if I am the topic of conversation then the social event must be incredibly boring. I have no idea what they could have been talking about so I stopped and listened for a while, I did not go in, I turned around and went back to my apartment.

I decided to go back a little later but other people were talking about me then too but I had opened the door too far that time and had to just walk into the room. It was possibly the most uncomfortable walk of my life. One of the people who were talking about me waved me over and said, �Come sit and chat with us!� I said, �You are having more fun talking about me that to me.�

And, They Knew, posting someone�s picture on your page is pretty rude, especially when your intention was to defame them.

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