some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

if dinosaurs still roamed the earth

November 18, 2004
Yesterday I went to Palisades Center to meet my God Mother and exact a prisoner exchange. I had her dolls; she had my watch.

Ironically enough on the way down there I was lost in Yonkers, a popular movie among bored people in the last decade. This lost situation was more a result of the fast pace of traffic, which I am not used to in the knot of infrastructure around the Tappan Zee Bridge � which I needed to cross. Normally, for twenty miles around the bridge the traffic moves slowly so my problem came in being able to simple breeze past my exit. Incidentally, and accidentally I visited the Bronx Zoo.

Upon getting to Palisades Center I had to complete the most arduous of all driving tasks, which his not driving in New York but parking in New York. The Palisades is not the City but the Palisades Center Parking Lot could have fit in nicely anywhere in Manhattan Island.

This is where I came to the conclusion I always come to when I am in a busy parking lot or an interstate under construction: people who are afraid to drive should not drive. If you are paralyzed by your surroundings you should not be in them. I also think that to renew your driver�s license you should have to be retested on the road and in the books � at least every five years.

There is a great deal of people on the roads who should not be. There are also loads of elderly people who should not be on the road due to reduce reflexes and impaired vision. People argue for their independence but I argue for their safety and the safety of others.

However, in the Discovery Channel Store I discovered the cure for all of humanities problems: Dinosaurs. If dinosaurs were roaming around they would pick off the slow, fat, stupid and old people in our population elevating us of the people we find problematic and creating an incentive to be in shape, smart and young. I realize that as soon as the dinosaurs are set loose in the North East, I will be among the first to go but I think for the good of the country we need to try this.

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