
Watching jurrasic park 2 nights ago, I was kind of thinking along the same lines. The T-rex ate the dude that ran out of the truck and left the kids alone. Jerk.
[2004-11-18 17:43:54]

Watching jurrasic park 2 nights ago, I was kind of thinking along the same lines. The T-rex ate the dude that ran out of the truck and left the kids alone. Jerk.

LOL! I yell at that guy in JP every time I watch. Anyone who abandons children should be a snack for dinos. Add that one to your list.
[2004-11-19 07:27:12]

LOL! I yell at that guy in JP every time I watch. Anyone who abandons children should be a snack for dinos. Add that one to your list.

I wimpper (is it 1 p or 2 p's?) when I have to drive in NYC. I'm the first to admit I'm a lousy driver and even have calm and trust in placing a new driver behind the wheel of my car verses my driving skills
[2004-11-19 09:40:09]

I wimpper (is it 1 p or 2 p's?) when I have to drive in NYC. I'm the first to admit I'm a lousy driver and even have calm and trust in placing a new driver behind the wheel of my car verses my driving skills

I wimpper (is it 1 p or 2 p's?) when I have to drive in NYC. I'm the first to admit I'm a lousy driver and even have calm and trust in placing a new driver behind the wheel of my car verses my driving skills
[2004-11-19 09:41:03]

I wimpper (is it 1 p or 2 p's?) when I have to drive in NYC. I'm the first to admit I'm a lousy driver and even have calm and trust in placing a new driver behind the wheel of my car verses my driving skills

Barbara, again
I'm never sure if I added the http....dang Christopher how many people sign 'Barbara' anyhow?
[2004-11-19 09:42:04]

I'm never sure if I added the http....dang Christopher how many people sign 'Barbara' anyhow?

Suburban Island
Who needs a personal trainer when you have Christopher and a box of instant dino? I hope they never make us go back and retest for our driver's license every 5 years - as if I don't have enough to do around here.
[2004-11-20 18:25:10]

Who needs a personal trainer when you have Christopher and a box of instant dino? I hope they never make us go back and retest for our driver's license every 5 years - as if I don't have enough to do around here.

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