some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

T minus 55 days

November 01, 2004
I know it is not Christmas yet but I have already gotten my Christmas shopping done, except for a gift for my mother. Mom poses two problems: she is impossible to shop for and she has a birthday a week before Christmas. I have to find two gifts for a person, impossible to shop for, in two months.

Usually, my sister and I will work together or with our father to find something that works for a gift. Sometimes my mother drops a hint or two about what she would like and she always does us the one favor of clearly stating what she does not like.

Lightening never strikes twice; so several winning gifts are out of the question once they have been given. Three years ago we got her a day at the Spa with my sister � a gift she still brags on to this day, but did not enjoy it as much the second year we gave it to her.

My God Mother does not think that we should put so much effort into this process but we have to consider the fact that my mother gave us life and goes to great effort to make Thanksgiving, Advent, Saint Nicolas Day, Christmas, our birthdays, Lent and Easter special � Valentines as well if you are home, special. She also gave birth to us but does us the courtesy of not giving us a graphic description. The least we can do is get a decent gift for the woman.

No, she does not like Vera Bradley handbags.

Luckily, I am in New England, which is home to many artisans who still make things �the old way� but at unfortunate new prices. The only stumbling block to this is that I have poor taste but money; my sister has taste but is not here. Things would run smoothly if my sister were here to say, �Buy these, and I will pay you back.� Really, she never pays me back but the gift being something mom will like is worth Michael Moore�s weight in just about anything you could buy or trade.

Sometimes people suggest my sister or I make something for our mother and in theory, this is a good idea. However, anything we make in the arts/crafts realm looks like the handiwork of Howard Stern�s ubiquitous troupe of retarded dwarves. I could write something for my mother but any childhood memories that I have immortalized in print have not been well received.

Readers in New England, and Connecticut especially, if you know a cool place to get things for your Mom, let me know.

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