some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

Theresa Vs. Laura, Round One

October 31, 2004
Children of the Eighties, do you remember Dynasty? Do you remember when Crystal and Alexis would fight each other? Do not look at me like that, we had one TV channel in English, everyone watched this show.

What I would not give to see Theresa Heinz (S)Kerry and Laura Bush do that. I can just see all that Christian Dior and bling rolling around on the floor, hair being pulled, expensive bric-a-brac being thrown around, the ever present food item to be smeared into the other woman�s hair.

I bet that would get higher reaction from the voters and make a bigger impact than the debates.

I am also loosing my patience with people who know an obscure fact and patronize you for not knowing this fact as well. I do not feel ignorant for not knowing who invented day light savings, how many steps the Eiffel Tower has, or Alexander Hamilton�s birthday. I would feel ignorant if I did not know who Benjamin D�Israeli was, the Beatles were, or how to use Longitude and Latitude.

We all have hobbies, special interests and a subject or two where we are the armchair experts. Politeness and propriety dictate that we not lord over people who do not know the same obscure facts that we do. While I am saying this, I feel it is very important for you to correct me when I am misusing a word or have a fact wrong.

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