some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

triple word score

October 10, 2004
Last Sunday I paid a visit to my Grandfather � the husband of the Grandmother who died this April. I was there with my father to make the visit less bizarre for Dad. While I was there, my Grandfather said that I needed to pick out something to be a souvenir of my Grandmother � which was an odd way to put it. She was not Disney World, what was I to choose? Should I choose the Phyllis Ears with my name on them or the Phyllis Snow Globe?

Today it came to me in a rush what I wanted. I was not close with this grandmother, by her choice but there was something that we had together � that she had with all of us. We played Scrabble and that was the only wholesome activity that ever occurred for us in that home. I want that Scrabble set in the worst way, so bad in fact that I am tempted to go get it tomorrow but I know I do not have time to do it. All of our happy times, all of our laughter was wrapped around that game board and scribbled into the notebook. All of our disagreements could be solved by the official Scrabble dictionary. That game was the purgatory of her house and her existence.

I also want a slew of other things, everything of sentimental value but I know that if I could get ONE thing that I would choose the Scrabble set; I know that it is probably taken or thrown away. I am more afraid that when I ask for it, it will be given to someone else. That is the one thing that I want and I think my Grandfather will use it as a pawn in a mind game.

In the end, I will have it. I do not know at what cost though. I hope the price I pay is not too much. I have so few happy memories of that woman that I do not want to see them thrown to the dogs. I want to move past my unhappy memories, my bitterness towards my grandparents and focus on the good things that existed during those games.

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