some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope


September 29, 2004
Today in the teacher�s lounge, the teacher who complains about everything was complaining about Starbucks. She is your typical liberal: she can pick the cloud out of any silver lining.

She usually then turns to me to attack me personally for anything she finds wrong in the world. She attacked me because I like Starbucks and she only knows this because in talking to other teachers and her listening in she garnered the information that I go there with friends on occasion. I am personally responsible for everything that is wrong with the world and honestly, I am so tired of this woman, I am starting to wear her hatred for me as a badge of honor.

I understand that many of you are anti corporate. I am not. Corporations, while immoral, are just as immoral as you or I. We pollute the environment, we abuse our fellow humans, and we break laws. However, I do not create jobs; provide opportunities, health care or affordable and enjoyable consumer goods for the citizens of this or any other country.

Starbucks, evil corporate giant of your dreams, provides a service, jobs, and opportunities to the world. If people did not like Starbucks, Wal Mart, Mc Donald�s, the Gap, Home Depot, and CVS you would not be tripping over them every time you went to Taco Bell, Walgreen�s, a Loew�s Theatre or to Target. YOU may not like them, but obviously, someone else does and they like it a great deal.

No one is making anyone shop there. The Trilateral Committee and the Illuminati may get together with the Masons and plot our destruction but I have never been forced to shop somewhere that I did not want to or to buy anything I really did not want to own with the exception of when my family did not have a lot of money and we got our school clothes at K-Mart (pre Martha Stewart) and thank God for that, without low cost consumer goods so many of us would be nude, hungry and caffeine free.

Even I shudder at the idea of me being hungry, caffeine free and naked.

Ellen has given up coffee. More power to you; fool. I would not give up coffee for the world. There are days that I would (and have) step over my own mother for a good cup of coffee.

On Starbucks again, I am not a daily customer. I do not get a regular cup of coffee. Starbucks is where I go because I do not go to bars. I go there and meet friends, have a coffee and sometimes a pastry.

White Trash

Today I went to Starbucks to get a Venti Caramel Macchiato and an apple purse (a pastry, not a handbag made from apples but if you slapped Louis Vutton on it and told Kipp it could carry and iPod�) and it never, ever fails: they dribbled caramel on the cup. I decided the best course of action was to lick the caramel off my cup.

I was on the phone with Melissa Potter. Melissa Potter and I only stop talking when we are pulled away from the phone OR the battery dies (as it did today). I told her what I was doing and then did it. I said, �the barista is looking at me like I am white trash.� He said, �that was not white trash but it was definitely dirty.�

This barista was efficient and scary in that he reminded me of myself: well dressed, fat, bad hair, tacky Emo glasses, and most of all: he snarked a complete stranger while working in a service oriented job.

11:24 PM :: 2 comments so far ::
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