
Gosh, its great to hear at least ONE person in d-land who doesn't bitch about the satanic rituals of American Corporations. Very Very Refreshing, as always. I for one, nearly orgasm at the thought of Super-Target, Martha Stewart-OmniMedia or Lowes.
[2004-09-30 08:04:51]

Gosh, its great to hear at least ONE person in d-land who doesn't bitch about the satanic rituals of American Corporations. Very Very Refreshing, as always. I for one, nearly orgasm at the thought of Super-Target, Martha Stewart-OmniMedia or Lowes.

I am boycotting this teacher for one because she's attacking you and then she's attacking Starbucks. Beeyotch.
[2004-09-30 23:04:26]

I am boycotting this teacher for one because she's attacking you and then she's attacking Starbucks. Beeyotch.

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