some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope


May 24, 2004
The other day my class went on a field trip to City Hall for an audience with the mayor and a tour. Before the tour I went over the lessons the students had in municipal government from third grade so they would know which way was up.

During the lesson one of the boys in fifth grade blurted out, he did not believe in mayors. I looked at my notes and then looked at him, leaned on my teaching desk and said, �Good job, Junior, every time someone says that a mayor dies,� and then proceeded to have my class clap their hands and say, �I do believe in mayors.�

Then today the same boy asked if I were a virgin. I told them, "You'd have a hard time finding an older one.�

Well, what would you have said?

This boy just says and asks things. He does not think before he speaks. Maybe I am not a virgin � maybe I have a son.

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