some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

I'm not Luis, but I still like the Mac and Cheese

February 18, 2004
While Luis� Macaroni and Cheese incident was a lot cooler than mine, I did have one today. I was watching the Simpsons and cooking at the same time. I was very interested in this episode because Michael Jackson guest stared in it. It was very funny.

Well, I got out the sieve to strain the water out of noodles and was so enthralled with the show that instead of walking over to the sink and draining the noodles I strained them in the middle of the kitchen right onto my feet.

My feet hurt but they�re warm.

But, Michael Jackson. I think it�s funny that people are missing the fact that when people my age were younger, he was cool. We all had his tape. We all liked him. Sometimes, Luis calls Ezi or I up and sings us songs. He does a mean, �Man in the Mirror� and thank God, he never sings, �Beat it.�

Eventually our testicles dropped and Michael was no longer cool. But there was a time when Michael was and I feel sorry for a guy we once thought was cool. He�s a victim of his fame as well as those little boys and while I think that if he�s guilty that he deserves to be punished I also think that we should feel bad for him. He�s not normal and there has got to be something wrong with him.


Someone who would do what he�s accused of has got to be mentally ill, while that doesn�t excuse him it reminds us all that something needs to be done for and about all the people out there who are troubled. Just think, if we as a society actually cared about the mentally ill in our country and did something about it maybe we�d all be a little safer, especially our children.



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Kipp! Why people know I exist!

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