some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

Oh, just shut the hell up.

November 22, 2003
I�m cleaning my room. I�m reorganizing my life into boxes instead of piles and redoing my files. Clothing is being shipped off to Goodwill. Old books are going off to Slovakia or wherever old books go to live.

Some people would get philosophical about this process of reducing one�s life and organizing their life into compartments. I don�t really think that I am so bored as to get philosophical about arranging my books by subject matter of photographs by life event.

Can I really put my life into neatly labeled boxes? Can I tuck my memories away in a manner that they aren�t messing and causing my present to be so disorganized? OH SHUT THE FUCK UP. Why get philosophical about cleaning? I�ll tell you why, so you don�t have to do it.

I have found a lot of interesting stuff though as I�ve been cleaning. My first credit card (actually, TONS of Credit Cards � took forever to hack them up). I have a box full of pictures of me with old girlfriends or friends with their former girlfriends. I don�t know what to do with this box to tell you the truth.

I�m actually starting to feel better the more that I get rid off. It�s like I�m purging myself of something or something. I found a picture of Jeremy, Addison and Matthew. It�s really old and they�re really tiny. I found a button that Steve from the Media Center gave me two years ago. Yeah, Radiohead from LRS Fest. I�m just as confused as you are.

Oh well. I have to get back to it.

I wonder how many people read this because of the title.

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