some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

I don't do this on purpose

November 19, 2002
It is not the intention on this online diary to offend people. That is just a natural byproduct of any human action or interaction. I don�t usually personally attack people on this page in a manner that differs from anything I�d say (or have said) to their face. If you�re offended by something on this page it was more than likely not the intention of the author to hurt you feelings. I�m sorry your feelings were hurt.

Please note the expressed Lutheranism in the statement. I am sorry you were offended. I am not sorry I said it. I stand behind my statements. The statement in question is one that I have said many times and is baked by research, not just personal feelings.

Should I take people�s feelings into consideration when they really don�t take mine into consideration? They�ve written horrible things about me on their pages. They�ve spread rumors about me. They�ve intentionally sought to make me look bad in front of other people and done so under the pretext of being friends.

The answer is yes. You should always take other people�s feelings into consideration and you certainly shouldn�t go around trampling people�s feelings as if they were the grass on a public lawn. Even if they do that to us and act like we�re too stupid to notice their joke. It�s classless to behave that way intentionally and I don�t use this page as a vehicle to attack other people in that manner.

The Chinese have a saying, �Treat other people as they have treated you.� In western civilization (thanks to Jesus Christ, brought to you by Michelle Beswick) we have a saying that goes, �Treat other people how you would want to be treated.� There is a difference there, one is passive and the other one is active. Let�s take the active route and treat people the way we want to be treated instead of treating people the way they treat us.

How I�d like to be treated:

You don�t like my page? That�s okay. Leave it and me alone. Again and again I�ve told you: it�s terribly written, dull and pointless. Don�t read it if you don�t like it and if you do, don�t bother me about it.

You don�t like me? That�s okay. I don�t sign your guest book with a message to �shut your God damned mouth, bitch� (grammar and spelling inserted). I don�t fill your e-mail box with, �I hate you.� I don�t bother your family. This becomes amusing because I took the truly offensive literature off.

You have a problem with me? That�s okay. You have a problem with me that�s reparable? That�s even better. Tell me what your problem is in real-time. Don�t tell other people. Don�t send me a message a month later or when it�s no longer a fixable problem. I had a professor in college who did that still does. Now that class is over I have some suggestions. That isn�t helpful, that�s bitchy and childish and considering I�ve gotten ten of those this week eight from people who just read my page and have no basis in reality it must have the impression of being acceptable.

A final note on being an offensive writer or person: If someone does something I find rude or insulting I take into consideration that I do things that may offend or insult other people. Most people are not offensive or insulting on purpose. Before I go charging off writing things into guest books, notes pages, e-mails, etc., I take the time to consider that. I really don�t march around thinking I�m perfect or that I know all. I don�t put myself above other people, that�s a fiction you create to have another reason to dislike me or whomever you�re disliking today or this week. Most of the people who dislike are basing it off of the assumption that they are by no means rude to anyone, ever or they�re basing it off information they�ve gathered from humans who are not me.

I am the sole source of information about me. As and ye shall receive says Michelle�s Jesus.

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