some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

100 Things

February 12, 2005
1. I am a teacher
2. I am right handed
3. I am a Lutheran (Missouri Synod)
4. I subscribe to Atlantic Monthly, and Time Magazine, I also get seven different Lutheran publications that I have never read.
5. I have blue eyes and they are my best physical feature, you too will envy them if ever you see them
6. I am color-blind
7. My sister holds a veto over my wardrobe because of my color-blindness
8. I have one sister
9. She is the most important person in my life
10. My sister and I look like twins, but are not
11. We are often forced to coordinate our outfits and look like a frightening pair of life-sized dolls.
12. We look like our mother and act like our father
13. My parents have only been married to each other and still are
14. I have lived in eleven states, some more than one time
15. I have moved at least fifteen times in my life
16. I hope to never again live in the Midwest
17. I went to a Kindergarten taught exclusively in German, was fluent but have lost it
18. I was the only child in my fourth grade class to have two parents married to each other for the first and only time
19. When I taught fourth grade for the first time my mother was younger than the mothers of my students
20. Every year of high school was in a different school
21. I have the same �best friend� from when I was kid today, and they are still the only person who has �peer pressure voodoo� over me
22. I am a terrible listener, I try to listen but I always think of something to add
23. I am not a morning person
24. I get up every morning at 4:30
25. I have never slept an entire night, I always wake up two or three times and have to do SOMETHING before I can rest again
26. I grew up in Germany I have a goal to read all the books on this list
27. I have been reading since I was three
28. I think the lottery is a tax on the poor that I hope to also win.
29. I live in Connecticut
30. I am a Yankees fan
31. I am afraid of clowns
32. I was nearly fired from Mc Donald�s in High School for hitting Ronald McDonald for touching me
33. While I think my fear of clowns is a well founded fear, I think my fear of albinos, peanut butter and the phrase �fruit basket upset� is irrational and absurd
34. I have never done illegal drugs
35. I have never had sex, but don�t feel like a loser for that
36. I do not like being touched
37. My family is profoundly (morbidly) religious
38. Even though my family is (morbidly) religious we are a very accepting group and were �okay� with interracial marriages and homosexual family members before it was �cool� or �socially acceptable�
39. My dad�s little brother (since deceased) was a homosexual and I was in Confirmation classes before I realized that other people thought it was an unacceptable lifestyle
40. I believe Gay Marriage is a matter of Civil Rights and although I think George W. Bush is a principled leader who is more accomplished than any President since Lyndon Johnson or FDR I think he will be remembered for his opposition to Gay Marriage
41. My mother�s relatives are low class, in my mind, for the homophobia and talking ill of the dead
42. I believe nothing good can come of speaking ill of the dead
43. I would like to think I am liberal, because I am open minded, but I am pretty conservative
44. I was physically assaulted twice by �peace activists� at the 2004 RNC in New York, a turning point in (and on) my mind in that election switching my support from Senator Kerry to President Bush
45. Despite my conservatism I supported Howard Dean in 2004
46. I believe that if you can read you can teach your self anything if you can read
47. I also believe that if you work hard enough, you can do anything
48. I have arthritis
49. I wore braces on my legs when I was a toddler
50. Prior to an accident between sixth and seventh grade I was being trained as a dancer and gymnast
51. I am allergic to shrimp
52. I live in the attic of a church
53. I would have laughed at you two years ago if you told me you believed in ghosts, but my sister (who lives with me) lives in a room haunted by the ghost of a cat
54. I have had two audiences with the Pope
55. Baroness Margaret Thatcher is a famous person I have met that I admire
56. If you meet the Dali Lama, �Hello Dolly� is not something he finds funny, at all
57. I met many famous people when I worked for the Red Cross in High School but since they were American Celebrities and I lived in Germany I had no idea who they were and was unimpressed
58. I am generally unimpressed by famous people � politicians are an exception
59. I am opposed to the death penalty
60. I have no tattoos
61. I have no piercings
62. I am philosophically opposed to tattoos and piercing, you can do it but I never would do it
63. I love the music from the 1960s, and music has not been as good since
64. I learned to drive in a Volkswagen, I am unhappy driving anything else
65. While my ethnicity is mixed, I only claim to be German and Hebrew, the two biggest parts of me
66. My sister only claims to be German
67. I am a dork for: Star Wars and Futurama
68. I am still mad at my mother for giving my Star Wars toys to a cousin fifteen years my junior whose mother sold them at auction and did not share the profit
69. I believe there is a difference between your �relatives� and �family�
70. I have three cousins that I talk to and I like to think that we are also friends
71. I worked at Meijer for the three most miserable working years of my life
72. I did not like seafood before I moved to New England
73. Moving to New England was the best thing I ever did for myself
74. I have a philosophical attachment to Macintosh Computers
75. My family forgets my birthday because all but one of my great grandparents were born the day before I was
76. The Great Grandmother who is the exception to this rule is the most amazing, inspiring person in my life
77. The Easter and Lenten Season are more important in my life than Christmas
78. I did not have a relationship with my Father�s mother until two months before she died last year, but I was always her favorite while I refuse to have a relationship with my mother�s mother, I have not talked to her in two years (see number nine)
79. I went to college in Nebraska, the stupidest thing I have ever done
80. I should have gone to Georgetown and regret that I did not, daily
81. I debated in college, and as much as I love the activity I detest my teammates
82. I am addicted to IKEA
83. I only pretended to understand Vanilla Sky
84. Writing is my hobby
85. I used to play the piano and trumpet (not at the same time)
86. I love roller coasters
87. I have a class three malocclusion
88. I judge people on their use of homonyms/homophones
89. I am into prior planning, I hate not having a plan
90. I am punctual and will not show up if I have to show up late
91. My recurring nightmare is about falling from an incredible height
92. I think Friendly�s Ice Cream Parlors are �ghetto� but I go there every time someone will go with me
93. I enjoy photography
94. Argyle is my kryptonite
95. Three different women call me their �Pooh Bear� and I am not a fan of this
96. I love t-shirts from urban outfitters
97. I wore Abercrombie & Fitch when it was dorky � that is what the kids call �back in the day�
98. Flannery O�Connor is my favorite author
99. I have a bad habit of putting things off until it is too late
100. Vincent Van Gogh is my favorite artist

101. Bonus! That was harder than I thought!

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