some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

Is this a triology?

December 02, 2003
I have lived here three and a half months and I would like to say for the first time, officially, I hate this place, I want to go home.

My car, for the third time in the same window, was broken into this evening prompting me to be pissed but also realize that this is no longer newsworthy on Diary Land as it happens as often as many things in my life. Tonight I also roasted a chicken for dinner and changed the sheets on my bed.

That poor car has seen more abuse in three months than it has in the rest of the five years I�ve had it. The worst previous experience it had? Getting backed into by Mom�s minivan � Dodge Grand Caravan, the car that drives itself! I�ll have paid it off in May and to celebrate that they�ll carry off the whole damn thing.

What cracks me up? The person who broke into my car stole my anorak out of the car. My anorak was UNDER my sweater, which is warmer and cost seventy-five dollars more than the anorak. The anorak has sentimental value because it is the token of the one time I was smarter and exhibited better planning skills than Kristy. I had, in fact, just gotten off the phone with Kristy not five minutes before I heard my car alarm.

There I saw him, the good for nothing that has been breaking into my car to steal GARBAGE but I did notice in his hand that he has MY STUDENT�S KOALA and I start spouting all kids of obscenities, idle threats and more obscenity. He dropped the Koala and walked off, with my anorak. If had had taken the boy�s koala I would have hunted him down and gutted him like a fish. Those boys love, honor and cherish that koala beyond what one might consider healthy or normal and if I let something happen to it? I would be dead and NO getting another one and trying to fool them wouldn�t work because many of them have the same Koala at home and are aware of subtle differences.

I called the cops. They�re hunting him down, or so they say, are they doing something?

I�ll be hopeful but not unrealistic.

Go see the previous entry for the poem version of this.

I am also EXTREMELY thankful that Emilly�s car that she is currenly moving across America in was not there, as it had been last night and the night before that.

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