some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

eat your vegetables? b,p! you don't eat that!

August 05, 2003
Quote of the Day, If you lived in a mud hut like you were supposed to we wouldn�t have this little �problem� now would we?

This is funnier than that which you are about to behold, read my other entry first. CLICK NOW!

Tobacco is a vegetable, isn�t it? That means that people should be able to get it their food stamps. It makes little sense that you can purchase food with food stamps but not postage stamps. People have tried this several times in the past seven days in a row that I�ve worked and it�s funny every time.

It�s too bad that Donna Brazile can�t speak English.

Despite what many people think they know about me I was quiet in High School, my mouth was pretty much shut. After a less than stellar Junior High experience I really buckled down in High School so I could graduate and get into a good school because I didn�t know that in America everyone graduates and everyone goes to college. There is a diary out there that pontificates and defecates about what I was like before they �knew� me and they only �know� me through the misguided window of a girl who hated me (and pretty much everything). For an overview of this go in my archives back to March and read about the Non-Nebraskan Stephanie and her open wish that her own niece be miscarried.

My point is: hateful bitches hate me. Also, in High School I was hitting the books and declined invitations to parties and things so I could be hard working. I did notice however the kids who were never invited and the kids who had the ultra cool parties that everyone, save for the introverted Spritopias, wanted to attend.

I�m moving, a tough decision and a tougher good-bye. My best-good friends of Jennifer Neely (El Presidente) and Justin are planning a �get the hell out of our state� party for me and that�s a nice feeling to know that someone, somewhere gives a shit. The other cool thing about this is that during this preparation process people are getting invited and others are not. It�s causing a drama a day. My party is the ultra cool party that people will wish they had gone to. Feel worse because we invited Wanda and not you.

Operation Round Eye is a success so far. Keep up the goodly work.

Sara�s Diary is the Diary of the Day.

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