some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

I invented Al Gore (because 'Good' is dumb)

April 29, 2005
The Bearded Teacher today pointed out to one of the kids that they wear an eye-patch. I asked her, �Are you sure you�re not a member of the Republican Party because if you are not, we have room for you.�

Again, I am being called in for eight fantastic hours of my second job. Thank God it is Friday, I am tired of my students. June will not be here soon enough. I was called into my second job yesterday too, but I want the money to rock summer. I just hope this summer is not spent asleep as last summer was. I think if I am going to sleep this summer, it will be on the beach like a beached whale.

I took this quiz while IM�ing with someone tiresome. I am actually amused by quiz and result; this person was brilliant in writing it.

Pb... Lead

You scored 77 Mass, 39 Electronegativity, 37 Metal, and 20 Radioactivity!
You are a byproduct of radioactive decay... I don't know how to interpret that. Anyway, you're absolutely fixed in how you approach life, but it is really all okay to you. You're like that guy who flew too close to the sun, achieved omniscience for a couple seconds, and then forgot everything while returning to Earth only to spend the rest of his days as a blind man with a distant alien wisdom and sadness in his vacant eyes. You probably really love kids, but know to stay away from them because some aspect of your otherworldly nature makes them sick... especially when they eat you in the form of paint chips.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender

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You scored higher than 99%
on Mass

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You scored higher than 72%
on Electroneg

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You scored higher than 14%
on Metal

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You scored higher than 77%
on Radioactivity

Link: The Which Chemical Element Am I Test written by effataigus on OkCupid Free Online Dating

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