some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

apathy is more energy efficient than devotion

May 27, 2004
The strongest emotion I feel is faith. That is the problem I am having with one of my friends, who is disregarding their faith to do what they want with their life. I am not discussing their decision as much as obsessing about myself right now.

My faith, my devotion to God, is what drives my life. It is what keeps me sane and helps me regain said sanity when it slips. I try to live my life according to the will of God. I cannot fathom living a life that would displease him and I cannot understand preferring guilt ridden pleasure over the equanimity of divine forgiveness.

I cannot live without God, I cannot imagine choosing to disregard him. I do not know what it is like to be in that situation. If I have to go without God, I do not go. It is that simple, Simon.

Make no mistake; faith is an emotive not logical process. If I could logic this out, I would. I cannot. My faith has seen me through and faith will bring me Home.

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