some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

If they had a sponge that cleaned up broken dreams Woolworth�s wouldn�t have gone out of business.

March 05, 2004
What is this country coming to? I turned on the television when I got home from dinner tonight. Martha Stewart has been convicted by quiet an array of crimes. I find this terribly disappointing, I feel physically ill (I ate something I was allergic to at dinner).

What is happening to America? Did someone miss that Martha Stewart was a wealthy white person? Doesn�t her celebrity count for anything? This is a crock of shit. Where is Johnny Cochran when you need him? He was defending that other white woman, Michael Jackson.

I blame her lawyers, the Mormons and the Republican Party. The Pope was probably in on it as well.

It�s not like Martha perjured herself and broke the Oath of Office, she really did not have sex with THAT woman Miss Lewinsky. It�s not like Martha cut up a white woman and her Jewish boyfriend. She committed a white-collar crime � and you know her white-collar was high quality, nicely pressed and smartly accessorized (at K-Mart).

If I were Oprah, I�d watch my back. Girl, you�re next. These people aren�t going to stop with Martha. Oh, no. This was a dress rehearsal for the big dance and Oprah is the Belle of the Ball.

Martha�s punishment should be going into the Board Room with Donald Trump where he�d chastise her for being sloppy (at best) and then say, �Martha, I�m sorry but, you�re fired.� Then she�d have to take the elevator to the street and appear on the Today Show with Katie Couric.

Oddly enough, �I Fought the Law� was on my mp3 player as I wrote this.

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