some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

iced tea

January 30, 2004
We�re in midst of winter storm mania here. People get weird in the snow and while I�ve conditioned myself for Kentucky snowstorms (where the population comes down with a case of mass stupidity usually reserved for a Dean Rally) Connecticut doesn�t seem to have the disorders that Kentucky does for winter weather.

I still went to the grocery and stocked up and one of the things I can�t live without is the instant iced tea. I know I can make it myself but I�m sure I could also do a lot of things if I tried. I could loose weight, run for President, learn Italian and get a date if I tried. None of that is happening.

So, on my iced tea it says, �Free Scoop Included,� and so I think: �cool, I hate digging around for a measuring cup.� Well, forget it. I got home and was going to make some iced tea but the scoop they include is at the bottom of the bucket.

Remember when the toys in cereal boxes didn�t suck? Yeah, well this is what that was like. There was something in that canister I wanted and I couldn�t get at it because it was at the bottom. It was so disappointing.

Why advertise the scoop if it�s something you can�t use with that can? Some questions will never be answered.

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