some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

What do these people want, a medal?

August 03, 2003
Today at work this guy couldn�t figure out how to operate the Uscanistan and turned to me, not having asked for any help, and said, �I�m a retired Army Major.� but it sounded like he said �I�m a retarded Army Major.� not retired. I responded with, retarded? thinking that was what he had said, he replied, �No, retired.� I felt kind of stupid, so I said, �oh.� Then, pointing at the Uscanistan said, �I deserve some respect!� I don�t know how he was being disrespected by his clear lack of literacy in technology retarded adults and people with Down�s Syndrome operate, so I said, �Oh, we have one of those at home and he doesn�t get much respect either.�

What do these people want, a medal?

My real story happened much later when I was helping a retired, not retarded, Colonel who didn�t have his driver�s license but did have his Military I.D., which states that he�s retired. I try to make small talk with the people who shop in our store � it builds recidivism (I meant to use that word that way) � so I said to Colonel Q, My father has one of these indicating the Retiree I.D. Card he says it�s the greatest honor our Government ever bestowed upon him. The Colonel did that fake laugh that is done out of politeness and then said, Your father�s greatest honor was giving the best years of his life defending the freedom of liberals to call his integrity and that of our President into question.

Fascist. My father gave the best years of his life, our Grandfathers gave the best years of their life, doing that. Giving people the right to be ignorant like that Colonel. The strength of the Republic isn�t in the self-righteous opinions of the retired soldiers who we respect for their protection and service, the strength of our Republic lies in our Civil Disobedience, calling our Government into question and accountability. I wouldn�t call our retarded Major or even the Admiral our greatest patriots, I�d call someone like helderheid that for her voice for her beliefs and in opposition to our President. I don�t oppose him although I hope his father never tells him to stand in the corner because he�d be trapped in his office for weeks trying to find it.

Suburban Island is the Diary of the Day.

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