some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

when they both reached for the gun

July 03, 2003

Five people today have ended up on this page while looking up, �Strom Thurmond�s Daughter.� Weird.

I�m really tired because I was up late due to my neighbors were shooting at each other again. I love Kentucky. I had written in the aforementioned notebook that the first thing I�d do if I were the President of the United States would be to put a moratorium on the Death Penalty.

I�m not going to rant on the Death Penalty right now, but I do disagree on with it. If I still live in this house before I move to Washington is to institute an intelligence test before you�re allowed to own a gun. I�m sure the Founding Fathers wouldn�t be offended if we did that and I honestly don�t care what they�d think. They don�t have someone exceptionally stupid shooting guns at night. They can turn in their graves, they don�t have to live here.

Our Constitution is a living document that was meant to be shaped with the needs of the time. It�s hard to do to make sure we don�t add really stupid things to it or take important things out. I�m sure that they the Founder�s wrote, � the right to bear arms in a well regulated militia,� they did not mean, �red necks in a domestic dispite in a well populated neighborhood.� Sportsmen they didn�t mention sports in the Constitution nor is it sporting to chase a lower order mammal through the woods with a dangerous weapon. I might think it was sporting with a bow and arrow or if the animal had a gun. Bull Fighting, especially in Portugal, now that is something I enjoy watching. I am a barbarian.

3:21 PM :: 2 comments so far ::
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