some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

I always wanted to be an erotic dancer but I guess this will have to do.

November 29, 2002
We�re all cautioned to be careful on the Internet. Watch out for what you say and to whom. Watch out for what you look at and where. Just watch out for who, what, where, when, why and how of the Internet

We�re cautioned but I write this diary telling all kinds of personal information that is none of your business. Is that logical? Perhaps not. Am I logical? No one seems to think so no matter how much I think so. We�re defying the laws and rules of decent behavior and safe conduct on the Internet. I wonder if anyone famous or powerful writes one of these without naming them selves. Hmm.

I think we write these for many reason but in the end it�s not because we feel important but we enjoy the illusion that we are important and people want to read about our lives and be a part of them. Not our friends and family who DO want those things but people who we�ll never meet. It gives us celebrity. It gives us a voyeur. I always wanted to be an erotic dancer but I guess this will have to do.

That, dear Reader, was a joke. I never wanted to be that kind of dancer.

Oh, unsolicited piece of advice #3874, when someone is gossiping about me � don�t tell me about it, I don�t really care. It doesn�t do any good to spread it about. I also don�t care that the drag queen that sells cell phones thinks I�m dating so-and-so or that they think I like them. I don�t date guys. I�m not into that. It�s funny to me that the most heterosexist people I encounter are Troy and Dennis who BITCH more than anyone I have ever heard about people JUDING them. Stop being so damn judgmental, you�re the only one doing it. If you�re not doing that then keep your business to yourself. No one would know and no one cares anyway. Denise and I don�t want to hear about your sex lives and I doubt anyone wants to hear about any body�s sex life.

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