
I am "Melanoma tan," I should live in Britain (no duh), and Velma (did you really have to wonder about that? Aww, poor Velma).
[2005-02-26 20:35:09]

I am "Melanoma tan," I should live in Britain (no duh), and Velma (did you really have to wonder about that? Aww, poor Velma).

Suburban Island
Hey there, hope you are getting all settled there for the arrival of your sister. Should be fun!
[2005-02-26 20:57:54]

Hey there, hope you are getting all settled there for the arrival of your sister. Should be fun!

Okay, so I'm a little late in responding to this, but since you asked me the other night, I thought I'd share with you my answers anyway. I am also Tin Man's Johnson Silver, I belong in the US, and I'm Tinky Winky, which disappoints me greatly since the Teletubbies have always freaked me the hell out.
[2005-03-01 00:36:49]

Okay, so I'm a little late in responding to this, but since you asked me the other night, I thought I'd share with you my answers anyway. I am also Tin Man's Johnson Silver, I belong in the US, and I'm Tinky Winky, which disappoints me greatly since the Teletubbies have always freaked me the hell out.

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