some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

"thalidomide victim"

May 16, 2005
I am going to Nebraska in less than a month. I am not ready to go and I am not sure I will be done with my homework before I leave. Alex Vance, as my legal advisor, reminds us that we are not to let school get in the way of my buzz net or diary land responsibilities.

Ah, Seward, that New Haven of Nebraska.

I learned at dinner on Friday that I would have OTHER responsibilities beyond school, beyond diary land and buzz net, extending to helping coach debaters for my old mentor, Dr. G. I am not completely sure that I am still on top of my game, but I have a B.S. in Education � I can and have taught everything. To own the truth, the B.S. in my title does not stand for Bachelor of Science but the more traditional meaning of B.S.

I met one of the debaters that I will be working with this summer on Friday at dinner, and I am only admitting here that I am disappointed that we did not have girls debating on our team that had a sense of humor or personality like hers. Okay, the girls (and boys) on our squad had a complete lack of personality and humor. I did not think you could collect that many articulate and intelligent people in one place and have a complete lack of wit but apparently, you can and Dr. G. did. I am conceited enough to think I possess a charming humor, but I should never be the funniest, most charming person in the room.

I enjoyed debating, not for a minute did I enjoy the people on my squad. For a crazy moment I thought that they were worthwhile people and that we were friends, but that was another time � before I understood what friends and family really were. Once you figure that out, grasshopper, you have figured out everything. I was nothing if not a very stupid, pedestrian child.

I need a t-shirt that says, �Thalidomide Victim� before I leave.

I am looking forward to Star Wars Episode III, perhaps too much. Someone tried to tell me that Lord of the Rings was better than Star Wars; Bitch, please! Even on it�s worst day Star Wars is better than Lord of the Rings. This is one of the most important issues of our day, it eclipses Pepsi vs. Coke (Coke), Mac vs. PC (Mac), Yankees vs. Red Sox (Yankees) or even if that is Donald Trump�s Hair (it�s the alien that is controlling his brain and was temporarily controlling Golf Widow�s husband)

Here are some spoilers, exclusive content to this page, from the Revenge of the Sith:

1. John Ashcroft is in the movie, as is Janet Reno � but Janet Reno is and always has been John Ashcroft�s drag name.
2. The Galactic Civil War or Clone War is really the Mac vs. PC debate gone terribly wrong
3. Senator Padme Amidala is killed, in the end, by crazed supporters of Darth Atkins who think her pompadour is actually bagels
4. We learn that Jar Jar Binks is not an ethnic slur, but a critique of the long term effects of �No Child Left Behind� on Language Arts curricula
5. Tipper Gore and Theresa Heinz Kerry play bit roles as aliens in the movie owing to not needing any make up or acting skill to frighten children

I have changed the title of my page from �Superfluous Discourse � the Blasphemous Conceits of a Blue-Eyed Devil� because people did not get the reference, this journal is not superfluous, and blue-eyed devil is an epithet reserved for the people who love me best.

In consultation with the Vice-President (as well as Suburban Island, Summer Gale and Mary Tyler Moore) the decision was made to make this page seem more �Presidential;� the first step was to change the title to, �In this Springtime of Hope, some lights seem eternal.� The next phase will be a completely new template.

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