some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

don't snow unless there is something in it for me

February 04, 2005
Today we have a one-hour snow delay, which meant I could not go to the gym, and I slept in two hours passed my normal time (is it �past� or �passed�). I wanted this delay, I prayed for this delay. Unlike other teachers, I did not pray for this with promises like, �I will get things done in the extra time,� or �It would allow everyone to arrive safely.� I told God, �I could use an extra two hours of sleep, could you hook me up?� God loves me and I was blessed with a little extra time in bed.

Last night I noticed a foul stench in the state of Denmark � which was later revealed as the crisper in my refrigerator. I will never learn that I have a refrigerator, not a science experiment. I put things in those drawers marked �fruits and vegetables� and forget about them. Sure, I am eating vegetables but the ones I store in those drawers rot. I cleaned the refrigerator shelf by shelf until I worked my way to the bottom where I discovered the culprit was a bag of (regrettably) organic spinach that had turned into a brown sea of stench. So while
Epiphany was having the Free-breeze/Laundry/Buy More debate, I was scrubbing the crisper and cursing the bachelor lifestyle. A wife would prevent seventy-five percent of this stupidity through ridicule alone. Epiphany also reminded me, �I should switch my wash too so I have clean drawers for tomorrow, too.�

I relocated all the food that is not on my diet, but will last in the fridge, into this drawer (so I do not accidentally sabotage myself). This includes about thirty-six truffles from Godiva, twenty-four of which are espresso truffles.

I was on some moral high horse about daily coffee consumption when talking to my mother this summer when she pointed out that while I do not drink two cups of coffee every morning I do eat a truffle that is like three cups of espresso and costs two dollars each. The saddest part of my diet is that truffle no longer being a part of my complete breakfast, no amount of bacon can make up for the loss of an espresso truffle from Godiva.

I talked to Nicole last night and the cancer has spread to her lymph nodes, they need to scan her cat (what the cat has to do with it, I don�t know) to find out if it has metastasized. Ninety-five percent of her colon was removed and she is now in rehabilitation for that, she will start chemotherapy and radiation soon. My heart (while broken) and prayers (not more fervent) are with Nicole and her husband during this time, as well as her students, family, and friends. She is so young and beautiful.

The worst things happen to the best people but that may just be because we overlook it when those we dislike are troubled with malady.

Even if the world is looking dismal, there are things that remind us that hope springs eternal.
Betty Already posted new pictures of my God Son, the
Baby Already , Ben.

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