some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

wake up kids, we�ve got the dreamer�s disease

January 02, 2005
Question: Mom, has he always been Catholic?
What I learned: No, Al, he was skinny when we met him.

Unfortunately, that is a real conversation from yesterday. My questions and answers are really pilfered from the events in my day, not unlike those at Suburban Island but my life really is this series of random events, not to be confused with a series of unfortunate events because I always come out on top. *

Today my brain feels like a big bag of sand, to which Marna said �you should wash your hands more.� If I wash my hands too much people will start to catch on to the fact that I do it a great deal. I was helping my God Mother�s sister get dinner on the table and washed my hands twenty-seven times in ten minutes. Three of those times were because I dried my hands accidentally on unacceptable towels.

I live in an urban area and still strive to remain clean all the time. Riding the subway for me is a real treat because I only do it with
Mary or the Princess. Normally, my laziness would trump any other compulsion in my body but riding the subway to me is like swimming in a public pool � an unacceptable risk. You have to touch the subway by either sitting in it or holding onto the bar.

When we went to New York last I left my hand sanitizer in my car and had to pretend to use the bathroom so I could wash my hands. I have washed my hands five times while writing this entry alone.

This all leads up to my complaint that I was planted on a sofa watching Monk and my God Sister wanted to get her Shrek on with Shrek 2 on DVD. I let her have hear way, I am not her teacher and we are not in my classroom so if I am allowing a child happiness at least it is not one I am responsible for. However, as someone who lives monastically and washes his hands compulsively there is nothing I would enjoy more than washing my hands and then watching Monk. I was deprived, you should consider buying me the show on DVD. I will close by mentioning that someone got me a movie on VHS for Christmas. I do not collect antiques but it was nice that someone thought of me at all.

*Speaking of coming up on top,
Pandionna and I combined our powers and defeated a common annoyance. Pandionna and I are proof that blondes have more fun and that people who disagree can work together for the common good of the Republic.

8:14 PM :: 2 comments so far ::
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