some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

mullet hunting

December 22, 2004
So far, my time at my parents has been spent sleeping, eating, doing schoolwork, and shopping with Mom. Shopping with Mom means I get to go Mullet Hunting. Daniel and I are always mullet hunting but the trick in Kentucky is not so much to FIND a mullet � which is not a big deal but finding the quality mullet. Yesterday my camera was full when I found the best mullet in months, which was a tiny man in a camouflage elf suit, Santa hat, and girl�s boots.

You know Mullet hunting has become a problem when Mom starts to point them out while you are out with her. She found that mullet and I am really angry that my camera was full, this was a winner. The camouflage elf suit alone is enough for a picture, that it came with a mullet makes it disappointing.

I got U2�s new CD yesterday and it was worth every penny. Now, I have to plunge into the snow, muck and Christmas shoppers because I have one day left before it all opens up.

Happy Christmas.

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