some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

don't trade your passion for glory

December 13, 2004
Question: Isn�t it against the law?
What I learned: I knew it was against the law!

I have parent/teacher conferences today. I am not a huge fan of this exercise because the parents who need to show up are never the ones who do, and the ones who do really have no reason to be there. Maybe they want to poke me with a stick. Who knows? I do not.

However, for all of you who have left judgmental notes riddles with errors in grammar, spelling, and logic, about my teaching know this: I have an incredible customer satisfaction rating and if you had a teacher with half my skill growing up perhaps you would be able to think and write.

I work hard. The children work hard. The parents work hard. Everyone wins.

That is, at least, what the early afternoon and telephone conferences have to report. Right I am waiting for one more conference and I am done.

To those of you I emailed that �strongly worded letter,� no those parents are not showing up. Sadly, they do not see the point since I am not willing to work with them, and by �work with them� they mean just give their son good grades. I cannot do that, if I just handed out grades randomly then their children would grow up to be the halfwits who leave retarded comments on my diary and I just cannot have that.

Go ahead, disagree with me, but please if you are going to call me stupid, do it with correct spelling in complete sentences that come to adequate grammatical and logical conclusions.

9:25 PM :: 3 comments so far ::
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