some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

can vegetarians eat those cookies shaped like teddy bears? those are fantasitc

September 04, 2004
Today two of my cousins (M & A) are coming to visit with their parents (who are my God Parents). I have loads of cousins, aunts and uncles but this is the only aunt and one of two uncles who bother with me, only cousins R, A, D, M & K bother with me or I with them.

Cousin M is the moral authority in the family after Great Grandma who used to baby-sit for Jesus when the Virgin Mary would go to be BINGO with the not-so virgin Mary. Part of Cousin M�s personal life philosophy or religion is vegetarianism. This requires me making sure that the house is herbivore friendly as I am omnivore. As a single omnivore I tend to make stir-fried dishes, French recipes that require one pot and the occasional oven bake. These are usually excellent after having been frozen and include all the food groups � including protein (meat).

I asked her last night, before going to the grocery, if she was a vegetarian or a vegan. Thank God (and whatever it is that she worships) that she is a vegetarian. I have no idea how to accommodated a vegan for the weekend. Do I just give them an apple or a bowl of grapes? They cannot eat dairy. They cannot eat eggs. Frankly, I am confused on that. Do not get snippy with me; I know very few herbivores that accommodate the dietary habits of visiting omnivores and carnivores; and believe me when I tell you that there are omnivores out there that would kill and eat YOU for the meat if they went a weekend without it.

I remember the first time I met a vegan. I had something in my lunch at high school, it must have been cheese that I do not eat in great quantity so I offered it to the people at my table and this new girl said, �I am vegan.� I had thought, since she was new, she was introducing herself and that she said, �I am Vegan,� not, �I am vegan.� I was not the only one. We referred to her as Vegan for weeks before she realized that being on an Army base, we may not have been exposed to the vagaries of the herbivore world and thought it was her name.

I do not think I ever started calling her by her real name but it was something corny like Hollis. By the way, �HOLLA� is my new favorite word that the kids use and if you think it is cool coming from them, try it coming out of the mouth of an old WASP.

I have a new cousin a couple of weeks ago and secretly people have been whispering, �she�s not terribly attractive.� They also tell me that I was a lovely baby, very attractive. If you put my baby picture next to hers, you will notice that our hair color is different. Yeah, I thought so too, bastards.

She is an adorable baby and I thought that before I realized that we resemble(d) each other. Her brother (Cousin R) and I looked the same as babies, only I am sixteen years old than he is. He is sometimes referred to as Nephew R as he calls me, �Uncle Chris.� It is a size, not maturity, issue. I am as tall as his father and the old people insist that his father is my brother out of their own oldness.

Well, Uncle A (father of Cousin R and his sister, Cousin P) sent me pictures of Cousin P in the email. Why do parents take pictures of babies in the tub? I did not need any naked babies on my hard drive. I did not know that there was a naked baby in the pictures but when they all opened up the one that ended up on the top of the stack of windows was � of course � my baby cousin�s nakedness. It was horrifying and do to screen/picture size. I covered my eyes and closed the window.

I am not opposed to naked people. I am opposed to naked relatives and naked children.

I bought a new trivia game and I was reading some of the questions and answers. This is not cheating, I will forget by the time anyone actually plays the game. My answer to most questions was, �who gives a shit?�

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