some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

it would be so empty without me

July 08, 2004
I went to the Mall yesterday to find a replacement for shoes that died. I decided against getting new work shoes, I can wear a pair that I like to keep clean for the three days before my vacation. Why blow your money on something utilitarian when you are about to go on a road trip?

At the mall, I ran into a girl from high school that hated me. Apparently, I had made her life miserable and she wanted to let me know that she had not forgotten and still had a hard part in her heart for me.

Unfortunately, I have no idea who she is, so boring a tack from Suburban Island,
What I learned: The people you hated in High School do not remember who you are and do not carry around animosity directed toward you anymore. Do not bother with them any more; they do not know who you even are. They do not care about you and did not care about you in High School.

For those of you in high school: stop caring about those people when you restart school. No one is loosing sleep but you. I never did but I know some of you are haunted by the opinions of others. Me? I think you�re stupendous, keep reading!

Moving on�

I love Connecticut but the part of the Hartford Metropolitan that I live in is like one of the nicer parts of Rio de Janeiro. I do try to think positive. I do not live in a bad part of New England; I live in a nice part of Brazil.

I am looking forward to my vacation and I hope I am not disappointed. It starts on Friday morning with the ever-eventful drive to New Jersey, which includes the Cross Bronx Expressway. I cannot tell you why they call those �expressways,� they are never express. I should bring a book for that part of the trip because I invariably spend thirty minutes parked.

On Saturday, I will be going to Atlantic City with Mary. I am secretly wishing that we run into Donald Trump. I would love him to fire me. I hope that he does not fire Mary instead. I am the one who gets fired around here.

Then on Sunday, or Monday, I will go to Kentucky and do a lot of reading outside on the lawn, mowing the lawn, yelling at the dog to stay in our lawn and falling asleep while reading on the lawn resulting in sunburn. Here in Little Rio we have no lawn.

Hopefully my sideshow side trip to Saint Louis will be a success as well and will be a �go.� I have to cross the Mississippi River to do this but I will have to suffer that for the great good.

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