some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

AA goes against everything that I consider to be good and pure in this world

September 30, 2004
Today I am getting ready for my parents visit tomorrow and watching Jack & Karen. Because I have a need to own every argyle sweater I lay eyes on, I have the same sweater that Jack has. I almost wore it today and it is on the dock for tomorrow, with the same shirt and pants. However, I never wear white shoes because I have no idea when labor day is or what it is all about anyway.

There are many things that need to happen before they come, (hide the beer, drink the porn*) I have to clean my apartment: dust, vacuum, clear up laundry and the fridge, and wash the floors. I hate washing the floors because I have about twenty feet of floors that are spread across the apartment in three small sections. I hate sloshing a bucket around or the greater fear of the Clorox wet jet mop ruining the carpets, upholstered furniture, or something else that can be ruined.

I do not live like a slob but my office needs a clean sweep and organization. It is not dirty but it is not pretty. I should go fix that.

*I say, �yes� to beer and �no� to porn.

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