some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

after all, tomorrow is another day

January 31, 2004
Why can�t I get anything done on weekends?

New Year�s Day is the day that people start their lives over, it seems like a good time to try. A new year, a new start � right? We�ll see what we can do and then we�re disappointed. Since I�m thriving off being disappointed this academic year I�ve made this evening my �New Month�s Eve� where I�m going to set some goals for the next, big and small and see what I can accomplish with that in the twenty-nine days given to me in February.

Here are some of my goals for the next month:

I�m going to keep up with my grading. I have seven students, how long could it take me? I just let it pile up. I think it makes me feel important to sit around on a Thursday and grade all these papers.

I will limit my reality television to The Apprentice Martha Stewart looks like Donald Trump in drag.

I will stick to the diet. I�m not hugely fat but I�m going to Orlando this summer so I want to be less than I am now. There is room to loose stuff around here.

I will stick to the plan. Second job. Second job. If I get a second job then the Student Loans can be gone in two years. Once that is gone then I can get a Touareg. Second job.

January was terrible and hopefully February will be better. I told Jenny from the Block that February can only be better, how can it be worse? Beside all that, it�s only twenty-nine days and even we have that quadrennial extra day to screw up at least it�s not thirty or thirty-one as we�d have in standard month.

I�m going to start now because as the Apostle Homer (Simpson) teaches: Trying is the first step to failure.

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