
You stud...escorting all those women around. And do I detect an aversion to sharing? Giving That Man of Hers detention :)
[2005-05-15 17:26:28]

You stud...escorting all those women around. And do I detect an aversion to sharing? Giving That Man of Hers detention :)

Oh. The drunk Part. Hes telling the truth. Hes funny drunk. Like HAHA funny, not like "oh thats sad..and funny" funny
[2005-05-15 17:52:44]

Oh. The drunk Part. Hes telling the truth. Hes funny drunk. Like HAHA funny, not like "oh thats sad..and funny" funny

Mary J
An excellent recounting of the event... great people, a great time. :-)
[2005-05-15 18:08:46]

An excellent recounting of the event... great people, a great time. :-)

purple chai
Correct to the best of my memory, and I didn't drink. (I didn't hear what That Man said at the table, either, so thanks for clearing that up.)
[2005-05-15 18:36:59]

Correct to the best of my memory, and I didn't drink. (I didn't hear what That Man said at the table, either, so thanks for clearing that up.)

I would like to point out that enunciate is spelled improperly. Because <a href="" target=_blank>this</a> is what annunciate means. <a href="" target=_blank>This</a> is enunciate. :) Does that mean you get a detention as well? <i>(And why is it that I only manage to post comments in regards to your spelling?)</i>
[2005-05-15 21:33:20]

I would like to point out that enunciate is spelled improperly. Because <a href="" target=_blank>this</a> is what annunciate means. <a href="" target=_blank>This</a> is enunciate. :) Does that mean you get a detention as well? <i>(And why is it that I only manage to post comments in regards to your spelling?)</i>

Christopias Spritopher, President
I'll fix it.
[2005-05-15 21:37:07]

I'll fix it.

I am so sorry I missed this. I really wanted to meet everyone there.xoxo
[2005-05-16 00:47:27]

I am so sorry I missed this. I really wanted to meet everyone there.xoxo

You cannot imagine how sad I am about missing this weekend, but I am happy for everyone who had such a great time!
[2005-05-16 07:42:53]

You cannot imagine how sad I am about missing this weekend, but I am happy for everyone who had such a great time!

Very well put. You did ingest a great amount of alcohol, but aside from the sleepy look on your face, nobody noticed. You were very well behaved.
[2005-05-16 20:11:21]

Very well put. You did ingest a great amount of alcohol, but aside from the sleepy look on your face, nobody noticed. You were very well behaved.

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