
I like that test. I'm an INFP: A Healer Idealist. I think that sounds just about right, don't you?
[2005-02-18 07:50:57]

I like that test. I'm an INFP: A Healer Idealist. I think that sounds just about right, don't you?

How does that passage go "Trust and ye shall not tire, Serve and Ye shall not weaken"? I pray that you and your family have the strength to deal with whatever answer comes your way in regards to your cousin. I also pray for her safety and well being (and yours too) :)
[2005-02-18 08:06:16]

How does that passage go "Trust and ye shall not tire, Serve and Ye shall not weaken"? I pray that you and your family have the strength to deal with whatever answer comes your way in regards to your cousin. I also pray for her safety and well being (and yours too) :)

Greetings from Macomb High, dear sir. I took the test and got INFP. Does that sound like me? Tell me later tonight, when I'm actually able to get on AIM. I hope your cousin's alright. She's in my thoughts.
[2005-02-18 12:14:28]

Greetings from Macomb High, dear sir. I took the test and got INFP. Does that sound like me? Tell me later tonight, when I'm actually able to get on AIM. I hope your cousin's alright. She's in my thoughts.

Summer Gale
From one INJ to another *waves*
[2005-02-18 14:11:47]

From one INJ to another *waves*

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