
hate to break it to you, but we all DO have equal protection under the law. while i am for gay marriage, i don't necessarily believe that marriage is a human right and i don't believe it should be universally implemented. also, where am i in this apprentice scenario? oh that's right, reading my econ text bitterly. dammit.
[2005-02-02 22:31:57]

hate to break it to you, but we all DO have equal protection under the law. while i am for gay marriage, i don't necessarily believe that marriage is a human right and i don't believe it should be universally implemented. also, where am i in this apprentice scenario? oh that's right, reading my econ text bitterly. dammit.

Christopias Spritopher
Gay couples have none of the rights of married couples and it is a Human Right, if you believe it or not because it is listed in the UN-UDHR, which we signed on with and ratified.
[2005-02-02 23:15:24]

Gay couples have none of the rights of married couples and it is a Human Right, if you believe it or not because it is listed in the UN-UDHR, which we signed on with and ratified.

I love you. No, really. You're so cool. I heard about the "state-evacuation" thing and I giggled. Apparently it was a test that went wrong. Maybe they should fix that. I wouldn't mind them testing it on Texas, though.
[2005-02-02 23:29:55]

I love you. No, really. You're so cool. I heard about the "state-evacuation" thing and I giggled. Apparently it was a test that went wrong. Maybe they should fix that. I wouldn't mind them testing it on Texas, though.

I cannot listen to the Manglish that Bush talks, so would have to read the speech. I think he means well, but can't really express himself. At all.
[2005-02-03 01:53:33]

I cannot listen to the Manglish that Bush talks, so would have to read the speech. I think he means well, but can't really express himself. At all.

I cannot listen to the Manglish that Bush talks, so would have to read the speech. I think he means well, but can't really express himself. At all.
[2005-02-03 01:53:38]

I cannot listen to the Manglish that Bush talks, so would have to read the speech. I think he means well, but can't really express himself. At all.

I was very upset, not by the existence of the State of the Union, which is a necessary evil, but by the fact that it preempted "West Wing." I kept flipping back to NBC-30 and going, "Screw this guy, I want President Bartlet!"
[2005-02-03 08:31:26]

I was very upset, not by the existence of the State of the Union, which is a necessary evil, but by the fact that it preempted "West Wing." I kept flipping back to NBC-30 and going, "Screw this guy, I want President Bartlet!"

I write manglish.
[2005-02-03 08:45:49]

I write manglish.

You have no idea how happy I was to read about someone else who can't stand American Idolitry. I wouldn't say that I have perfect pitch, by any means, but it makes me cringe to hear people sing off key...and when people are yodeling all over the place, it's almost as if they're trying to cover up that they can't hold a pitch.
[2005-02-03 10:04:09]

You have no idea how happy I was to read about someone else who can't stand American Idolitry. I wouldn't say that I have perfect pitch, by any means, but it makes me cringe to hear people sing off key...and when people are yodeling all over the place, it's almost as if they're trying to cover up that they can't hold a pitch.

I thought The State of the Union was quite good, even in Manglish. I must differ with you on something though. I do think Bush will be remembered more for bringing democracy to Iraq (OMG, I cried like a baby when that Iraqi woman held up her blue finger and hugged the mother of the fallen Marine) than anything else. But history will always remember Clinton and the stain he left on Monica's dress.
[2005-02-03 15:57:51]

I thought The State of the Union was quite good, even in Manglish. I must differ with you on something though. I do think Bush will be remembered more for bringing democracy to Iraq (OMG, I cried like a baby when that Iraqi woman held up her blue finger and hugged the mother of the fallen Marine) than anything else. But history will always remember Clinton and the stain he left on Monica's dress.

I totally agree with you about Martha. I mean...I wouldn't be her apprentice, because I hear she's somewhat of a harridan; but she totally did not deserve what happened to her and I firmly believe that had she been a man it wouldn't have happened. You have only to look at the lack of charges pressed against true corporate criminals of the male-kind to confirm that assertion...and as much as I love television, even I draw the line at American Idol. EEK! What tripe.
[2005-02-03 16:14:35]

I totally agree with you about Martha. I mean...I wouldn't be her apprentice, because I hear she's somewhat of a harridan; but she totally did not deserve what happened to her and I firmly believe that had she been a man it wouldn't have happened. You have only to look at the lack of charges pressed against true corporate criminals of the male-kind to confirm that assertion...and as much as I love television, even I draw the line at American Idol. EEK! What tripe.

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