
Oh yeah, the crash and burn...that is the dark side of working out at 5 am :)
[2005-01-25 20:28:06]

Oh yeah, the crash and burn...that is the dark side of working out at 5 am :)

At least you didn't fall asleep with your head in the toilet. That happened to my brother all the time. I'm sure it was from working out too hard.
[2005-01-25 22:29:41]

At least you didn't fall asleep with your head in the toilet. That happened to my brother all the time. I'm sure it was from working out too hard.

Only problem with O'Connor...she's too old. I have heard that she wants to retire herself, so I doubt she would accept Chief Justice. Thomas and Scalia won't get a pass from the lefties though...that's for sure. If they are barbqueing Condy, just think what they'll do to Uncle Thomas. Re: George Foreman Grill...maybe if you like to eat beef flavored cardboard....otherwise, I'll opt for a regular grill or broiler...or hell...just throw it in a pan.
[2005-01-25 23:10:38]

Only problem with O'Connor...she's too old. I have heard that she wants to retire herself, so I doubt she would accept Chief Justice. Thomas and Scalia won't get a pass from the lefties though...that's for sure. If they are barbqueing Condy, just think what they'll do to Uncle Thomas. Re: George Foreman Grill...maybe if you like to eat beef flavored cardboard....otherwise, I'll opt for a regular grill or broiler...or hell...just throw it in a pan.

Linking over to you via the six degrees of Kevin Bacon method, beginning with breathtaken. So glad I did. You have a great sense of humor.
[2005-01-26 06:31:23]

Linking over to you via the six degrees of Kevin Bacon method, beginning with breathtaken. So glad I did. You have a great sense of humor.

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