
Let it never be said that this man is not an ass.
[2004-11-21 10:26:39]

Let it never be said that this man is not an ass.

I came in here and already felt better about myself. I suck at everything, yet I do know what the geneva convention is.
[2004-11-21 13:59:28]

I came in here and already felt better about myself. I suck at everything, yet I do know what the geneva convention is.

I like Texas too and may move over there one day...
[2004-11-21 15:06:21]

I like Texas too and may move over there one day...

I like Texas, too, and that's good because I am a native - and I've never so much as once thrown the switch on anyone. (I wouldn't say I'm against the death penalty, but I would say that the Denny's across the street from the death house in Huntsville is disturbing. Highly disturbing, even.)
[2004-11-21 16:30:51]

I like Texas, too, and that's good because I am a native - and I've never so much as once thrown the switch on anyone. (I wouldn't say I'm against the death penalty, but I would say that the Denny's across the street from the death house in Huntsville is disturbing. Highly disturbing, even.)

I made a list on Now that I made it under mine and Lee's name, I can't find it. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out what I'll really need.
[2004-11-21 18:51:28]

I made a list on Now that I made it under mine and Lee's name, I can't find it. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out what I'll really need.

Damn I wish we hadn't gotten rid of Danielle's stuff! ha! Goes to show you, be a packrat! Save EVERYTHING! My mom does.
[2004-11-21 18:52:58]

Damn I wish we hadn't gotten rid of Danielle's stuff! ha! Goes to show you, be a packrat! Save EVERYTHING! My mom does.

Colleen Williams
Re; your comment on my guestbook: THAT'S what I'm talkin' about... re: you diary entry, I grew 5 miles away from the Texas/NM border in Hobbs, NM. Now, let me tell you that Texas is a HUGE freakin' state with only a few good things left in it (Austin) and a lot of bad left in it (can you say Lubbock, Midland, Odessa, Seminole, etc. etc.). Every person I've met from Texas has been sweet as pie. My boyfriend & his whole family are Texas. Now, if I weren't white & purdy, I wonder if those that I've met (and we're talking in the thousands here) would have been so nice? Probably not, my dear. They still lynch in Texas.
[2004-11-21 19:07:51]

Re; your comment on my guestbook: THAT'S what I'm talkin' about... re: you diary entry, I grew 5 miles away from the Texas/NM border in Hobbs, NM. Now, let me tell you that Texas is a HUGE freakin' state with only a few good things left in it (Austin) and a lot of bad left in it (can you say Lubbock, Midland, Odessa, Seminole, etc. etc.). Every person I've met from Texas has been sweet as pie. My boyfriend & his whole family are Texas. Now, if I weren't white & purdy, I wonder if those that I've met (and we're talking in the thousands here) would have been so nice? Probably not, my dear. They still lynch in Texas.

Can't I dislike BOTH Rice and Gonzalez?
[2004-11-22 20:18:59]

Can't I dislike BOTH Rice and Gonzalez?

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