
I agree, but when you don't have to be accountable for what you say or do as seems to be the standard set for Kerry and his entourage what does it matter who you insult? I mean forget about the fact the Laura Bush was a teacher for 10 years as well as a librarian.. Those aren't REAL jobs and neither is being a stay at home mom -.. ya know.. thinking about it then according to Teresa I have never had a REAL job because those are the only main jobs I have ever had.. What a rich bitch comment to make ... I can't image a woman with so little class being our first lady...
[2004-10-21 23:14:10]

I agree, but when you don't have to be accountable for what you say or do as seems to be the standard set for Kerry and his entourage what does it matter who you insult? I mean forget about the fact the Laura Bush was a teacher for 10 years as well as a librarian.. Those aren't REAL jobs and neither is being a stay at home mom -.. ya know.. thinking about it then according to Teresa I have never had a REAL job because those are the only main jobs I have ever had.. What a rich bitch comment to make ... I can't image a woman with so little class being our first lady...

Caesar Spritopias
I think it is an ugliness we are about to endure for eight long years. We are talking about someone who takes eveyrthing dispicable about Roselyn Carter, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Reagan and roles it into a botoxed monster. Theresa FrankenKerry.
[2004-10-21 23:19:27]

I think it is an ugliness we are about to endure for eight long years. We are talking about someone who takes eveyrthing dispicable about Roselyn Carter, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Reagan and roles it into a botoxed monster. Theresa FrankenKerry.

I still think Teresa the Heinz Ketchup Queen is an elitist bitch. And you should post a photo of your hair cut:)
[2004-10-22 00:29:31]

I still think Teresa the Heinz Ketchup Queen is an elitist bitch. And you should post a photo of your hair cut:)

That comment irked me also by Kerry John's Wife Away. We stay at home mothers are very much involved in our communities, schools, children and aiding the burden of other working mothers. Not all of us SAHM's our uneducated bimbos.
[2004-10-22 08:42:41]

That comment irked me also by Kerry John's Wife Away. We stay at home mothers are very much involved in our communities, schools, children and aiding the burden of other working mothers. Not all of us SAHM's our uneducated bimbos.

Barbara, again
EEEEE....not our but are!
[2004-10-22 08:43:39]

EEEEE....not our but are!

Suburban Island
It is funny to me that Teresa HK has gotten a bee in her expensive bonnet that makes her believe that she knows anything at all about being a working woman. She knows nothing about getting and keeping a real job and I can assure you that every working woman on diaryland works harder than she does every day - and without a staff of servants and a host of coworkers kissing up to them. It is impossible for Teresa not to know about Laura Bush's background. I guess she just didn't value the work of teachers and librarians, no matter what she says in her scripted apology. And Teresa - stay at home moms have the hardest job in the world. I find her comments to be indicative of a woman who is totally out of touch with the common person and real women in America. Laura Bush is a gracious lady.
[2004-10-22 13:30:07]

It is funny to me that Teresa HK has gotten a bee in her expensive bonnet that makes her believe that she knows anything at all about being a working woman. She knows nothing about getting and keeping a real job and I can assure you that every working woman on diaryland works harder than she does every day - and without a staff of servants and a host of coworkers kissing up to them. It is impossible for Teresa not to know about Laura Bush's background. I guess she just didn't value the work of teachers and librarians, no matter what she says in her scripted apology. And Teresa - stay at home moms have the hardest job in the world. I find her comments to be indicative of a woman who is totally out of touch with the common person and real women in America. Laura Bush is a gracious lady.

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